Stem cell therapy progress 2
Stem cell therapy progress
Some of the brilliance we saw
A flower at the botanical gardens in the Caymans
The Caribbean Sea
Water lilies
Rooster (so many times of them crowing away)
Green iguana
2/18: 60 minutes on the motorized pedaler- started at 30 minutes 7/21. Started adding 5 minutes a week video from 1/22/22.
2/18: It’s easier to put my legs on the bed (comfortable).
2/19: Flexed my feet up and down. Left foot easy, right foot harder- toes flicker when tickled, can raise and lower with effort. 3-5th toes wriggled slightly! Tried raising my legs. Left ‘easy’ right difficult but muscles flexed. Pushed in & out with my legs. Left “easy” right challenging but muscles flexed. Kicking out with both feet. “Stood up” & “did squats” with James help.
2/20: took the day off
2/21: took the day off
2/22: did the pedaler 1 hour
2/23: personal training with Christian with Divine Fitness. I was better with the parallel bars! It was much harder before stem cell! I was getting concerned.
Flexed my feet up and down. Left foot easy, right foot harder- toes flicker when tickled, can raise and lower with effort. 3-5th toes wriggled slightly! Tried raising my legs. Left ‘easy’ right difficult but muscles flexed. Pushed in & out with my legs. Left “easy” & right challenging but muscles flexed.
Personal training with Christina. I was tired today.
Where was it done?
DVC Stem at Davinci Aesthetics & Regenerative Medicine
What kind of stem cells?
The umbilical cord fluid is loaded with stem cells. They can treat cancer, blood diseases like anemia, and some immune system disorders, which disrupt your body's ability to defend itself. The fluid is easy to collect and has 10 times more stem cells than those collected from bone marrow.
Why did you choose this method?
I didn’t want to go through chemotherapy to restart my immune system & I opted for mesenchymal stem cells (taken from the umbilical cord).
observations from my mom:
We found the DVC Clinic through the MS Society’s newsletter and were immediately interested as treatment did not include chemo. Mary didn’t want to run the risk of having her immune system destroyed and be subjected to potential life-threatening infections (as was her GP).
She was infused with umbilical cord stem cells which are unmapped and, therefore, capable of mending any damaged cells in the body. The first appointment was about four hours long and included acupuncture and lymphatic massage. Day two’s appointment was a simple procedure requiring an IV and took six hours with infusions every 20 minutes. The only side affects were nausea and tiredness. Within 12 hours Mary had no side affects and said she felt like her body was “more alive”.
I will share some photos if you wish. The cost for treatment was $23,000 which is about half the cost of other clinics we researched (and all of those required chemo).
As you may know, Mary has not walked for more than two years, despite weekly therapy. By day five (as we sat in the airport on our way home) she could raise her feet which gives us such hope.Debra Webber
Interesting side note regarding cannabis, since I often use cannabis:
In. short: in stem cell for wound healing, CBD improves stem cell migration by 180% and THC improves migration by 95%.
“Finally, a wound healing scratch assay in porcine primary fibroblasts (PFs) was performed, co-cultured with the cannabinoid-treated ASCs. CBD priming at low concentration induces migration by 180% (P < .01) in porcine ASCs, and by only 93% (P < .02) in porcine BMDSCs. In porcine stem cells, THC priming at low concentration induces migration by 91.6% (P < .01) in ASCs but by only 44.3% (P < .03) in BMDSCs. Compared to PFs co-cultured with untreated ASCs, PFs co-cultured with low CBD-primed ASCs had 75% faster wound closure at 18 hours (P < .01). CBD and THC priming of ASCs and BMDSCs, particularly at lower doses, enhances a number of regenerative parameters, suggesting that these major marijuana components may improve stem cell-based therapies.”
Miller H, De Leo N, Badach J, Lin A, Williamson J, Bonawitz S, Ostrovsky O. Role of marijuana components on the regenerative ability of stem cells. Cell Biochem Funct. 2021 Apr;39(3):432-441. doi: 10.1002/cbf.3609. Epub 2020 Dec 21. PMID: 33349985.
Correction, why was it needed?